Well my morning started at 07,30a at the doctors office .... at first i was all by myself then another girl came, the time now around 7,50. I really started wondering, as i thought it was wierd that i had to sit and wait to drink something to again sit and wait 2hrs. Another 10 mins went and 4 more girls came and then they came out with lineup numbers for the girls and said ok, whoever came first can start and come with me.. I then understood that something was wrong, so i asked the lady:
- Excuse me, i have a time at 7,30 to drink "something"
- Everyone has a time at 7,30 I get as a rud remark back
- Ok, i see that everyone here isnt pregnant in the same week as me here (as these girls where ALL SKINNY), so im i going to see someone soon?
- Ohh, this is a different department i get back all snooty back
- Ohh so im in the wrong place? i never got this info ...
- I dont know what info you received but noone here is going to drink something and if you have an appoitment, someone will be with you!!
At this point I was so enoyed at this RUDE lady and I just saw how the other girls eyes where rolling at her and her rudness
- so i just said, OK then il just still all nice and calm and wait for my turn then!
I then saw aother lady and asked her, if i maybe has been forgotten, as i find it wierd that i have to wait soon 40 mins to drink something and wait again 2hrs... ooohh yes this was very wierd.. and she was sweet and checked this up righgt away...
And YES, they had forgotten about me, so i got my drink (tasted really good at 8,20a as my first drink ofthe day), went into a room and read some magazines and played games on my cell!
2hrs later
They then took some blood, we are both all good... blood/ sugarlevels and heartrate.. so thats good!!
My coworker Eva was so sweet, she had gone and bought breakfast for me .. as she knew i would be hungry when i came back. So at 10,30, back at the office we all had some coffee and yummy breakfast buns!
I just found out that my UK friend from long ways back, from working at STORM on Queen st (Sara) is also preggers!! Congrats!!!
Also want to thank Uncle Ed for the very sweet email i got today =) its so nice to receive a sweet email from a person that you dont talk/ see much, were you can really notice that they sincerly care and have only good things to say =) thanks you made my day!
hugs all