It all started when the water broke sunday night.......
We were given a time to be induced on Tuesday at 10am! I really didnt want to be induced, heard how much more harder the contractions are and it just makes the whole process more difficult then it already is!'
So after taking it pretty easy all Monday (as it was so HOT, not a day for a big pregnant lady to be out walking) Lina finally called me, "SIRINA start walking in your stairs if you want the contractions to start!!!!" so at 7p i start walking up and down the stairs in our apartment building. It was still so HOT and my neighbours felt so sorry for me, but i said. NOPE this baby is coming out, ohhh natural!!!
At 11pm i felt a pain i hadent experienced yet! YES, it started, I DID IT!!! wiiihoooo. The contractions started out with 7min intervals, at 3am they had gone to 5min. So i called the hospital, that advised me to stay at home a little longer if i could. They wanted me to be closer 3min. At 7.30am after being up all night i finally called in again. At this point they were 4.5min. They said OK, come in!
Finally at the hospital, they took us to our room. We talked about what I wanted, how i expected my delivery to be .... We started out with a bath.
They took us to a little cute room, Nora Jones was playing som juice was available my the tub. I layed there for about 1.5hrs, breathing through these contraction was enough.
Back at the room, they did a test to see how far i had opened, 3cm! they also took a bloodtest on Neos head to measure his oxygenlevel in his blood. At this point everything look good.
A few hours went and she came back to measure again, wiihoooo now 5cm.. we were really on a roll and i was so happy that it was going in the right direction! Some hour later a dr comes in again and takes another bloodtest on Neos head, at this point David was offered to "take a look at the babies head" and so he did! But the oxygen levels had increased and i hadnt opened anything!
They decided that they had to induced the contractions to try to press Neo further down. I was given laughing gas and then the contractions started....
They were hard, burned, difficult and got stronger with each contraction and came with 1min intervalls. I was told to stand up, move around, sit and bounce on a exerciseball... OMG how i loved and did not let go of the gas!! But still little Neo didnt want to move down and I wasnt opening as I should, and as neo had been without water for 2 days... he needed to come out that same day!
They decided to try a stronger contraction inducer BUT now i was going to be given epidural. YES finally, this was my life saver! If i got this, i could do it was my thought! BUT NOPE, i didnt feel anything thing, it didnt work!! I totally broke down and was crying, begging to be cut open! Asking the Dr how much a c section cost, David has money, David give the Dr money ... hihihi but nope. They didnt want my money and they didnt want to cut me open. But she still wanted to give me somthing stronger, i said NO WAY not without something that takes out the pain! They tried another epidural, this was probably the most difficult thing i have done. To sit still and be in sooo much pain, and not move and thinking in my head that this is probably not going to work either! as all moms say, this was when i thought i was going to die! BUT it worked!!!! Wiihooooo, i could finally open my eyes and see the wonderful people in the room who had been helping me for the last 11hrs.. the took the 3rd bloodtest on Neos head. Again it was to high, the Dr wanted to wait another 30 mins to see what happens. But 5 min later she comes in. Nope lets to do, the baby needs to come out...... to the operation room!
I was given anti contraction meds to take away the contraction .. and off we went. These meds make your bodymuscles "jump" so when they placed me on the operation table and secured my arms and leg so i couldnt move my body was jumping on the table. I felt like someone you see in the movies at a mentalhospital ...
A dr asked me, did you feel that i just pinched you ... "No", ok lets start!!
Within around 10min and with the help of 5 drs pressing my belly to try to get Neo out David and I heard the cries that all parents want to hear. It was wonderful and it was finally over after 21 hours!
They asked me how I was .... i opened my eyes to a room that was turning around, and not being able to move my body! They started poking all over my upper body, and i couldnt feel anything. I had received to much painkillers within such a short time. Neck down as numb. They started worrying that it would start going up my neck/head.. so off with me to another part of the hospital where they took all kinds of tests and touch my upper body with ice to see how much i really could feel. After 5hrs, i could feel the ice above my breast area.
So at 2am, i was allowed to go back to my room to meet my new little family. David had to go home right away as he wasnt allows to stay over and I shared a room with another women. I was given morfin and was able to sleep 6hrs while they took care of Neo.
The days at the hospital were good, food was served there where people around to ask all sort of questions and receive help! Without this all this amazing help, i would have never been able to get the feeding started already day2! But it was nice to be able to go home on Friday and finally take a real shower and breath fresh air!
Right now i am doing good, the scare is healing and I took off the first bandage yesterday. For 5 weeks I am not allowed to carry more the Neo, take walks everyday and not try to overuse the stomach area with standing/sitting.
Food time for Neo - Hugs all