Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy 2013 everybody!!

Hope that you all have had a great Xmas holiday and New Years :-)
Our holidays started out pretty harsh with Neo getting the stomach flue.. Then I began sick, David became sick and them my mom who came and celebrated with us though we were sick!!

The best with the holidays was to spend Christmas together and see Neos reaction to everything. Santa came and visited us.. Which was a surprise to see that Neo wasn't afraid of him (why we now understand, will get back yo that) as usual there were way to many gifts and now we have toys everywhere :-)

The same santa that visited us visited Emil as well (Neos friend on the 3rd floor) Ulrika came down the other day and showed Neo the the video from when Santa visited Neo... Hues what Neo said ....- that's not Santa that's Neos daddy!!! :-) hihi smart guy :-)

I now got the Blogg working again and promise to be better on updating!!

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