Monday, December 6, 2010

broccoli time for little Neo

... Lets hope he enjoys it!!! Ill keep you posted! This was what i was craving during pregnancy, so it will be intertesting to see his reaction to this yummy veggie!


  1. MUMMMMS... vad gott! Vad har du haft i? Endast Broccolie eller far han annat smaskens i ocksa?

  2. Jaaa visst ser det gott ut!!! Det är bara brocolli o kokvattnet som jag mixar ihop!! det e dagens lunch, hoppas att han gillar. Han smakade också mango pure igår - de va SUPER poppis!!!

  3. hi siri.. the boy looks more like you. yah man. a word of advise.. be careful with broc... can be gaseous at times. so as cauliflower, too acidic. feed him a little carbohydrates (oat meal) before those vegetables. a.el
