Monday, July 15, 2013

Back to reality...

Back to reality ... eveverything we have planned for the the last 6 months is now over..
We first had our move, then the trip to Lyon and then Neos 3rd birthday!
Now all we have left is to enjoy the rest of our 3 week time off and just relax and take the days as they come!

Here are some pics from Linnea and Vincent Lyon magical palace wedding.

I had the great honor of sitting beside the bride during the dinner


  1. Tack söta för att ni kom!!!! Det var så underbart att få ha dig där, det var så ledsamt att säga hejdå =(. Önskade vi hade mera tid tillsammans... Fina bilder, du måste skicka över dom sedan och filmer som du har när Vincent fixat en FTP sida som du kan ladda upp på. Puss puss

  2. A sunny-outdoor wedding. the bride and groom with their child are exceptionally dreamy and enjoying themselves. beautiful wedding.
