Thursday, January 20, 2011

6 months +

The other day, our little guy turned 6 months!! Time just flies by when you become a parent. I have never experienced 6 months go by that fast before. They have always said this, but it takes becoming a parent to realize the truth in those words.
We also, just came back from Neos 6 month check up:

Weight 7815g ( + 425g in 1 month)
Lenght 68.5cm (he has grown 1.5cm in 1 month)
Head 46cm (his head has grown 1.5cm in 1 months)

Today we are off to meet all Neos cute little friends in Oxie! but first im going to help a friend in Oxie actually with taking employee photos of their hairstudio in Oxie too for their website!

Hugs all


  1. Stora pojken! Han kommer vara sa stor nar han kommer hit pa besok. Foresten sa sa Erin att hennes barnstol ska racka tills AJ igentligen ar 1 ar men han ar ovanligt stor for sin alder och det ar derfor han vaxt ur dden. Sa Neo kanske kan anvanda den enda?

  2. JAAA va BRA!!!!
    Da fixar det sig, maste bara saga till att Dave hamtar den innan man hamtar oss! Hor du att Erin byt ut sin stol, kan du vall hojta till =)

  3. Hon har redan bytt ut den.. dom kopte en ny har om veckan =)
