Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pooo coffee, yummmmm

Yesterday we were invited for dinner to a couple of friends here in Malmo, actually in Oxie again!
haha, lots of Oxie visits this week!
It was a great evening with great food, games .. unfortuently not frozen cheesecake, as I forgot it in the freezer at home =( BUT we enjoyed a cup of "poo coffee". =) It was actually very good, and extremelly smooth.

Its the worlds most expensive coffee, called Kopi luwak coffee. It comes from the Indonesian Island of Java and Sumatra. Also native to the area is a small civet-like animal called luwaks. These little mammals live in the trees and one of their favorite foods is the red, ripe coffee cherry. They eat the cherries , bean and all. While the bean is in the little guy's stomach, it undergoes chemical treatments and fermentations. The bean finishes its journey through the digestive system, and exits. The still-intact beans are collected from the forest floor, and are cleaned, then roasted and ground just like any other coffee.

Because of the strange method of collecting, there isn't much Kopi Luwak produced in the world. The resulting coffee is said to be like no other. It has rich, heavy flavor with hints of caramel or chocolate. Other terms used to describe it are earthy, musty and exotic. The body is almost syrupy and it's very smooth.

There some rich Indonesians laughing at us now .. hahaha suckers!! "crazy white people will buy anything" hahaha

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