Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12th

Just came back from the doctors, all is good with the little guy, expect that he doesnt want to start mommies contracions yet!! hihihi

So i have a time tomorrow, 10am to have the labour process started! I wish it really could start at home, in my own enviroment, where I can move around as I please. Lina also had to have her labour started and she didnt like it at all that she had to lay in the bed and not move and be confinded to the hospital room! Keep your fingers and toes crossed that it starts at home today =)

Other then that, it feels great to know that on wednesday we might have Neo with us, FINALLY!!!!

Dont forget, cross those toes!!

1 comment:

  1. hey girl..cant' wait to see little neo..good will be all good xoxooxxoox
